Easing Back Injury with Quantum-Touch

Even though my primary focus is to work as an animal healing specialist, I do enjoy working with people too.

A client of mine, a retired railroader, hurt his back while carrying about 100 pounds of metal. 

As he was walking across uneven terrain, he felt something pop in his lower back. Pain immediately shot around the outside of his hip and down into his groin. 

He said the pain settled into his right sciatic area and continued to shoot around the front when he moved. 

He contacted me a couple of hours after the injury and I was able to immediately start running energy. I worked on him for about 20 minutes. 

Later that evening, I felt called to send him an "energy ball" and called in higher guidance for help in charging it with what he needed the most. 

I checked with him the next morning and he said it was much improved. He only felt a small twinge when he got up and started to move.

 I love working with Quantum-Touch and seeing what can be accomplished with it!


Even Subtle Changes Can Be Profound!


From Terrified to Rolling in the Grass - Monte’s Story