From Terrified to Rolling in the Grass - Monte’s Story

I love working as a pet and animal healing specialist! Seeing the transformation they go through is so exciting and humbling at the

A couple of weeks ago I went to a local shelter as a volunteer to walk some dogs. I met Monte, an adorable poodle cross. He was so fearful that he practically pancaked on the floor. It took the shelter staff several minutes to get him just to the yard.

He jumped and tried to run at almost every sound, especially when cars drove by. I knew that he was too scared for me to touch him very much. I started running energy and asked for help from above to send the energy down the leash and into him.

I spoke softly and continually assured him that he was safe. After only a few minutes of running energy, I was able to encourage him to come out past the yard. I told him we wouldn’t go far and would stay close to the fence.

Within about five minutes, he was dive-bombing into the tall grass and rolling around in it. He began to chew on sticks and became visibly more relaxed. He was still a bit nervous when cars went by, but I was privileged to witness a big improvement in him. 

Well done brave Monte!  You are going to be just fine!!


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