Even Subtle Changes Can Be Profound!

Recently, I had the opportunity to offer energy to some beautiful animals: a donkey, a mule and three horses. This small herd is owned by Ann Raabe, an equine massage therapist.


As Ann escorted me into their corral, her mule, Chief, approached me immediately. Ann was amazed. She said he never does that with strangers.  

I felt so honored and humbled that these beautiful souls welcomed me into their world. None of the herd presented with any noticeable issues, but they soaked up the energy. They all attained a zen-like state.

 Above is a photo of me and Traveler. He came to me and stayed for almost the whole visit. He kept nodding his head, indicating that he wanted me to send energy to his chest. I took this to mean his heart area. He released a lot of pent up energy as he kept sighing, licking and chewing.

 After the session, I asked Ann to let me know if she noticed any changes in Traveler or the rest of the herd.  

This is Her Response:

 "There has been a subtle shift. It’s been in Traveler. But the herd is one organism, so if one shifts, it affects them all. Traveler is more settled and confident.

"He came to us as an old horse, and I know that he never had a herd or friends prior to arriving with us. It’s been a long gradual process, and he has become increasingly self-assured, and his personality has emerged. His true personality. Which is very gentle, but also, he has quite a sense of humor. 

"The work you did with him was subtle, but profound. He’s reached a new plateau of self-confidence and contentment. I feel your work was a catalyst for this to occur.”


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