Welcome to my Quantum Touch Journey

Welcome! I’m glad you stopped by. My name is Pat Wyckoff and I’d like to share a little bit about myself. Currently I am working as an animal and pet healing specialist. I came to energy healing in a long, round-about way, but I’m so happy that I work with quantum healing energy now.

For forty years, I have worked in the financial services arena, insurance, banking, stock market, bookkeeping, and more. I've focused on taking care of other people's needs and solving their problems through customer service. I have always enjoyed helping people, and I get a deep sense of satisfaction when I've done so.  I have a strong intuitive ability to pick up on their wants and needs, even if they aren’t saying the words aloud.  In my work life, I am extremely organized, and I have excellent communication skills when working with others.

My top three core beliefs in work and life, are: 

Honesty – It really IS the best policy

Help others - Do your best to help meet their needs

Positivity – Do all of this with a smile on your face.  Make people feel appreciated

Prior to being introduced to energy work, I struggled to find my purpose or mission in life.  I did my best to help others and make their life better, but I always felt there was more to life, and I wasn’t really picking up on why I was put here.  I now believe that I’m meant to help others through energy healing. Maybe even improve the health of the world one person at a time. 

I was introduced to Reiki in my 30’s when our pastor worked on my husband’s dental issue.  She encouraged me to focus on him with the intent of sending him energy.  I thought it was kind of cool at the time, but I never investigated it.  Now, I believe it was the seed that was planted to bring me to energy healing.

I began searching for Reiki training options in 2017.  Little did I know that I was really going to need Reiki in the near future.  Early in 2018, my husband became ill and was hospitalized for eight days with a nasty virus.  It affected nearly every system in his body, lungs, liver, pancreas, bone marrow.  The list goes on.  I was blind-sided.  My big strong man was flat-out in a hospital bed, and when the fever spiked, he was writhing in pain.  I prayed for him every day while I sat with him in the hospital, but the only words my mind could form in prayer were “Thank you, God”.

Just prior to his hospitalization, I was learning Reiki level one.  I didn’t want to hover over him all day to put my hands on him, so I sat in that hospital room and “beamed” energy to him.  He came out of the hospital weak as a kitten, dependent on oxygen and insulin, but I still had a husband.  It was a long, slow recovery, today he is nearly 100%.  He rarely needs oxygen and has been off insulin for years.  I continue to do energy work on him, and he is still seeing incremental improvements.

Back in 2017 while searching for Reiki training, I remember seeing an article about Richard Gordon.  In it he said Quantum Touch is like Reiki without all the woo woo.  I dismissed it at the time, but it stuck in my brain and Quantum Touch kept popping up in my life.  I took my first QT Level 1 class is the summer of 2020 and completed my certification in 2022.  For most of my QT classes, I trained with Carol Lee, a gifted healer and angel communicator.

Intermingled with my QT training I took monthly angel healing classes from Carol.  She helped introduce me to my team of Angels.  One of the principles of Quantum-Touch is asking for "Help from Above."  In my healing sessions, I call on my Angels and those of my client to come in and assist in the sessions.  The intuitive information I receive from them is amazing. 

In October of 2022 I experienced what I like to call my “Week of Sunflowers”.

My sunflower story.

On Monday of this week, I saw my doctor for my check-up. We were talking about some of the challenges she's dealt with during the pandemic, (which is its own story). She was shared with me her practice on how she deals with anger and frustration.   When those emotions come up, she allows herself a little bit of time to vent and then she puts those thoughts "on a shelf".  She quickly moves on to focus on the sunflowers in her life.  She then turned to me and said, “Pat, you're a sunflower.”  I smiled and said thank you.  Literally the next day one of my clients came into the office to make a deposit. She brought some flowers for us, they were SUNFLOWERS!   I think my angels were trying to tell me something..... The connection didn't occur to me until that night when I was getting ready for bed.  On the top of my personal Facebook page, there is a picture is of those sunflowers sitting on my desk.  How cool is that?!?!?!!!!!! AND - add to that,  Carol Lee shared a sunflower post a day or two later. I love our angels!!!

Working with my team of Angels and establishing my relationship with them has brought me much closer to God.  I experience more peace, joy, and love now than at any other time in my life. 

In my studies of Angels, I have come to know that we all have a team of angels assigned to us for this lifetime. They are always here to guide and help us. My relationship with my team grows stronger as I learn more about them and seek their assistance daily.

Through all the classes I’ve taken, I have learned that the Energy that created our bodies is the same Energy that can heal them. Beautiful things can happen by tapping into a greater flow of that Energy.

I regularly attend Advanced Energy Healing Classes to further my education and ability to access the healing energy for myself and my clients.

I partner with my clients to focus their desire and intent positively, thus allowing them to experience their innate healing ability. During this process, we create a pathway to change, growth, and healing.

I also enjoy working with pets and other animals.