
I had an annoying pain in the back of my head.  The pain came on like a wave, and I had a difficult time sleeping.  After I took pain meds, I realized that energy work would be better. Pat was the one I reached out to for help. 

After she worked on me the first day the headache was gone and the tension in my shoulder reduced significantly. I could feel that my spine and hip adjusted afterwards, it was working throughout that day! 

The next day the pain had returned, but I knew to set another appointment with Pat.  She worked on me remotely and my pain reduced again.  I realized that one of my triggers was an offer in which my heart was not singing, but I had been going along with it.

I took action to decline that offer. Afterwards, the pain reduced even more, and moved to different locations until it was released. I still have some pain if I put pressure on that area of my head, but if I don't touch it, I don't feel it. 

My eyes were also fatigued, but that feeling has eased to almost zero now. I will be mindful how I use my eyes. Thank you, Pat! 

Mary P.


Here is a story from my own experience.

This is a story about my furry granddaughter, Blue (a miniature dachshund) and how I was able to help her with Quantum Touch. 

About a year ago, she and her family were out in the desert enjoying a day riding their ATV’s.  Blue had a special box with a pillow to ride along with the family.

At one point, she jumped out unexpectedly and was run over.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything they could do to avoid it.  Thankfully, she did not have any cuts or broken bones, but her eyes kept flicking from side to side.  This indicated a head injury.

They scooped her up and headed home.  She was eating and drinking but was clearly dizzy.  This happened late on a Sunday afternoon.  They monitored her closely as their veterinary office was closed.  My husband and I happened to stop by after they got home and were told about the accident.

I quickly picked up Blue and cradled her in my arms.  I ran energy to her for 30-45 minutes while we visited with our family.  When it came time for us to leave, I gently set her on the floor.  She followed me as I walked, jumping on my leg asking to be picked up again.  I was heart wrenching.  After we got home that evening, I continued to run energy to her remotely.  I also ran energy to her for several days afterward.

When they were able to see their veterinarian, he said there wasn’t much he could do and to just monitor her, but despite that, Blue made a quick recovery! I believe QT played a large part in it. 

Within about 2 weeks, her eyes had almost stopped flicking and by a month, she was fine.  Through all of this she was still her same happy self, running after her human siblings and playing endlessly.

Since the accident, her box has been upgraded with a “seatbelt”, so this never happens again.  She hates it, but she is much safer now.